The management of the Scheme vests with the IDA - A.P. STATE BRANCH - FAMILY BENEFIT SCHEME committee.
(a) Composition :
The Management committee of the Scheme consists of Ex-officio and Elected Members.
Ex-Officio Members :
- 1. President of IDA-A.P. State Branch.
- 2. Hon. State Secretary of IDA-A.P. State Branch.
- 3. Treasurer of IDA-A.P. State Branch.
- 4. Immediate past executive Secretary of the IDA -AP State branch-FBS scheme.
Elected Members :
- 1. Executive Secretary (Shall not be an office bearer of IDA AP State).
- 2. Treasurer (Shall not be an office bearer of IDA AP State).
- 3. 5 members representing from FBS council.
(b) Functions :
1. The managing committee shall be overall in-charge for the management of the scheme.
2. It shall receive, discuss approve the reports and accounts submitted by the executive secretary & treasurer for the period between two consecutive meetings of the managing committee.
3. The managing committee in consultation with FBS council shall decide the policy regarding disbursement and investment of funds at the disposal of the scheme as fixed deposits as mentioned in Sub-Clause 7 of Clause –XVIII.
(c) Meetings :
1. The managing committee shall meet once in every 3 months preferably at the EC meetings of IDA AP State Branch, out of which one will be held immediately preceding the meeting of IDA AP State AGM.
2. The quorum of Managing Committee meeting shall be six of whom at least three are elected members for FBS.
3. If a member fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the Managing Committee without giving prior intimation in writing to the executive Secretary of the scheme indicating valid reasons for the absence, he/she will automatically cease to be a member of Managing Committee from the date of the second meeting. The FBS Council shall elect a new member.
4. The elected Members & Ex-officio members of the FBS shall have voting right in the Managing Committee Meetings.
5. The notice of the meeting of the Managing Committee shall be sent 12 days before the date of the meeting.
6. Emergency Meeting:
The executive Secretary of FBS, shall, in consultation with the president & secretary of IDA AP state, convene an emergency meeting of Managing Committee to transact any urgent business with a notice of one week.
(d) Elections to Managing Committee:
1. For the first term, The FBS body will appointed by the AP State EC, From second term, All the elected members including executive secretary & Treasurer of the Managing Committee of the Scheme shall be elected by the FBS Council formed from among the members of FBS.
2. The executive secretary & Treasurer shall reside at the same place and shall be the place of Head Quarters of the Scheme.
3. The Executive Secretary shall invite nominations for all posts at least 30 days before schedule meeting of the FBS council. The nominations should reach the Secretary of the scheme by the date fixed by him in consultation with FBS council, which shall be at least 10 days before the FBS council meeting. Any withdrawals can be made on the floor of the house provided the candidates are physically present or their written consent is obtained in advance. The above election will be held at the FBS Council Meeting
Tenure of Office:
The term of office of executive secretary, Treasurer & 5 members representing FBS council will be for 3 years.